A Transformative Origin Story

Dreadnought (Nemesis #1)Dreadnought by April Daniels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. This book is a killer superhero origin story – but it’s so much more than that. It’s about identity, acceptance, fighting transmisogyny, family, friendship – and yes, superheroes. Danny, who has never felt comfortable in her “male” body, gets caught up in a battle between superheroes – which in this world is a regular occurance – and becomes the vessel for superhero powers. As a result of this, she transitions into a female body; and awesome superpowers (like flying) into the bargain. As if transitioning so quickly wasn’t enough of a rollercoaster, April Daniels decides to give her protagonist an aggressive father, a superhero nemesis, and a murder plot to solve!
I loved this first instalment in this series. Can’t wait to see what adventures await Dreadnought in the next volumes!
For anyone who seeks to understand the transgender experience, the good and the bad, and enjoys seeing a superhero become what they were destined to be – this is for you.
Highly recommended. Ages 12 and up.

The Wild Card in Vanguard Prime

Wild Card (Vanguard Prime, #2)Wild Card by Steven Lochran

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First off, let me say I was all set to be disappointed by this sequel. Second books and movies in a series can be notoriously bad (except if they are Star Trek movies or The Empire Strikes Back). I am pleased to report that I thought this was better than Goldrush (Vanguard Prime #1). Our hero, Sam, (aka Goldrush) is still settling in to his superhero life and in this adventure is thrown in the deep end with the mysterious and awesome Knight of Wands. After Goldrush and the Knight take a trip to Chicago to hear the Knight’s mentor speak, there is an attempt on the Knight of Wand’s life. Goldrush discovers he can run up walls (cool!) as he races to save the Knight. Into the picture comes Solitaire – a shadowy figure of unknown loyaties who assists and then informs them that the Major Arcana (the bad guys) have put a kill order out on the Knight of Wands. What follows is a roller coaster ride through the history of the Knight and an education for Goldrush on just how manipulative Major Arcana agents can be. No spoilers here (as is my policy), but I will say that the dreams Sam was having in Book 1 are still with him in Book 2, and I suspect we are approaching a point in Book 3 where they start to come true. “He will wake in darkness. And into darkness he will cast you all…” Sounds like book 3 to me! I can’t wait to read it.
Ages 10 and up.

What a (Gold)rush!

Goldrush (Vanguard Prime, #1)Goldrush by Steven Lochran

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There is never a dull moment in this first book of Steven Lochran’s Vanguard Prime series. From the outset, as Sam Lee is dropped off by his parents to join the ranks of Vanguard Prime as its youngest-ever member, we know we are in for a ride and a half. We get to know Sam, piece by piece, and little by little we understand he is a reluctant recruit, totally overwhelmed by the prospect of being “Goldrush” and in the company of his childhood idols, Agent Alpha and Gaia. Sam’s superpower is supersonic speed, but he tries very hard to avoid using it because of a horrific event in his recent past.
We follow Sam as he becomes Goldrush and learns what is expected of him as a member of Vanguard Prime. Lochran gives us great details here, and the sequence where Sam learns what NOT to do with his uniform brought a smile and a chuckle to my face.
The book switches between following Sam, and following those around him. This takes a little getting used to, but by chapter four I had my had around it.
There are villains too (of course) and Cronus and The Overman are formidable ones. When they escape from “The Gallery” all hell breaks loose and Goldrush and the rest of the Vanguard Prime team are in a fight to the death for control of the planet.
Along the way we discover some really cool superpowers. Machina, shaping up to be a close mate to Goldrush, can manipulate electronic devices; Gaia, who can control the elements; Agent Alpha, who can channel energy and is able to fly and heal himself quickly. These are some awesome superheroes, up against some truly scary villains. I will not post spoilers, except to say that there is an epic conflict in the closing stages of this book and there IS a second (and I believe a third) book in the series. You can take what you will from that. A terrific SciFi/Fantasy series from an Aussie author who clearly has many more stories to bring us. Can’t wait to read Book #2, Wild Card. Review to be posted soon.